First of all let me give you a description of what fleas are. Fleas are parasites which are wingless that feed on the blood of any warm-blooded body more often are dogs, cats and humans. You might be wondering fleas are wingless but how come they proliferate so fast not only in your pet but to your house as well. With the powerful legs they possess, the fleas jump as high as 8 inches vertically and 16 inches horizontally. If you think you are the only one who experience such problem having fleas in your house, don't be. I can attest to that. Let me share with you our experience of the past 6 years in dealing with fleas getting inside our home.
Six years ago we had Jose which is our baby who happens to be a Shih-Tzu. Before we had Jose my husband and I were not interested about fleas and other such stuff but it was a 360 degree turn around when Jose came. One of our utmost concerns since then was to prevent fleas getting into our house since Jose stays inside the house. Fleas have existed for ages and keep on pestering homes as long as they have blood to suck to continue to exist. In addition, fleas have a 4 stages of the life cycle to be able to control them one must be able to restrict the fleas in any stage they are in. We did experience having fleas getting inside our house not because Jose has it but due to the fact that when we walk Jose in the park every weekend he mingles with the other dogs and one way or another there are a few times he was infected with fleas. That's the time we had a pet medication that stood the test of time for Jose which is called Revolution.
Let me share with you how Revolution works to prevent fleas getting into our house and most especially to our Jose. It has been Revolution since Jose was still small that kept fleas barred inside our house. Revolution bearing the chemical name Selamectin is a safe and easy to use monthly topical pet medication which shield Jose from heartworms, fleas, ticks, ear mites and sarcoptic mange. Revolution acts by infiltrating Jose's skin and bloodstream. With the Revolution active ingredient Selamectin concentrations which enters Jose tissue and bloodstream it put to a stop to heartworm disease and it spread to Jose's skin from the bloodstream which eventually kills adult fleas. Revolution is also an anthelmintic which expels parasitic worms.
Thank goodness to our vet for sharing Revolution with us because it kept our worries at a lesser level in regards with fleas. Revolution was such a heaven sent pet medication. Thus, every time we put Revolution to Jose we can proudly say Jose is totally free of fleas, ticks, ear mites, sarcoptic mange and heartworms. Lastly, as attested by most of our friends who have pets most of them uses Revolution hence, as a living testimony of its use we are highly recommending Revolution to all pet owners out there.
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