Heartworm in the USA
The horrible heartworm has been recognized as a threat to animals for many years, and was first reported in the United States in 1846. The heartworm parasite was originally confined to the south-eastern states of the USA, however over recent years cases of infection have spread dramatically. According to incidence maps produced by the American Heartworm Association, and based on data provided by veterinary clinics across the country, heartworm infection has now been recorded in all 50 states. Noted heartworm hotspots are within 150 miles of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts and close to the Mississippi River.
Why is the Heartworm Problem Growing in the USA?
Scientists have suggested several reasons for the spread of heartworm throughout the United States. Climate change has caused milder autumn and winter temperatures which allow mosquitoes to thrive, while the development of urban areas has created areas of stagnant water which provide a breeding ground for these flying menaces. Another significant change in human habits which has allowed heartworm to spread throughout the nation is our ability to travel further and with greater ease. Pets and wild animals which move between different areas may come into contact with infected mosquitoes, and then, take that infection wherever they go.
How to Beat Heartworm with Revolution
Fortunately, there is some good news about the heartworm problem, and that is – it's preventable and treatable. The best solution to any problem is to prevent is occurring in the first place, which is why many pet experts and veterinarians are now recommending that you use a preventative product like Revolution. Revolution for dogs and Revolution for cats are anti-parasite pet meds which contain the active ingredient selamectin. The broad-spectrum formula of Revolution is designed to offer pets all-year round protection from heartworm infection through a monthly topical application. This means that whichever state you live in, you can be assured that Revolution will dramatically reduce the risk of your pet becoming infested with this parasite. Revolution also protects against fleas, ticks and earmites, making it a perfect choice for any pet owner who wants the best for their dog or cat.
Heartworm is serious problem in pets & also the treatment is quite expensive. But there are some medications like revolution dogs heartworm treatments which inexpensive yet effective.
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